Sunday, April 13, 2008

Most boring and/or long week EVER!!!

  1. Monday- I got up, showered, went to school, wished to be a Soprano I and to skip math. Then went to the school library until 3:30. Lastly I went to Clark middle school's theater (the MET) until 7:30 and got Chipotle and a Cinabon (the one advantage of being downtown).

  2. Tuesday- I got up, showered, went to school, wished I was a Soprano I and to skip math. Then went to the school library until 3:30. Last I went to Clark middle school's theater (the MET) until 7:30 and got Chipotle and a Cinabon (the one advantage of being downtown). (dajua vu)

  3. Wednesday- I got up at 2:00 am to see my mom off to Canada. Went to my Aunt Karen's . Went to school , then the MET. Then I went back to school and song two songs (This is the day and How can I keep from singing) for a choir concert and stayed at my Aunt's.

  4. Thursday- Pretty much the same as Monday and Tuesday minus the Chipotle and Cinabon and plus I finished a book (Molly Moon Stops the World).

  5. Friday- Same as usual until the MET. At the MET they gave us pizza and I ate six pieces and during the break sang/shouted the song "Miss Baltimore Crabs" with some friends. Then I got really slap-happy and so did ever body else. the cast stayed at the MET 'til 9:30 in the best mood we had ever been i at rehearsal.
  6. Saturday- Got up, went babysitting, bar rowed a Barbie from my client made $23. Wondered why there's no H note in music, watched Star Wars IV, talked to my mom, and went to bed
  7. Sunday-woke up, went to church played with my baby cousin, went to my grandmas house and made cookies, and then and ate and then and ate and then ate

And that is my week.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Hey Nonny No in a choir dress 4ever!

Today was a choir festival so I'm writing in choir dress blue. I sang a song my sister sang when she was in high school, Hey Nonny No. I don't know about her choir but my choir got a lot of laughs when we sang the the first line. Which is ......................... "Men are fools that wish to die!" The song is about the follies of men. The second song was Nuite Da twla (nu-weat day twa-lay). It's in French. Pretty it's asong about a sad guy who got dumped. The last song is fun it's a spiritual called This Is The Day.



So I haven't posted in a while. That's because I have pretty much nothing to say. I do have things to show but I don't know how to post pictures! So heres a list of the things I do that people want to know about.

  • I'm in a play (see poster)

  • I'm an aunt that's my nephew.

  • I just figured out how to put pictures on (he he)

  • I like to use () (surprise surpise)

  • I am in the most advanced choir in my school.

  • If you take the first initial of my teachers last names in order of my scedual it spells............BBPPTT.

  • My fave musical is Pirates of Penzance.

  • I'm in the animae club at school (which will not be good news for my sister).
  • I like Tortles.

As Tiger would say TTFN or "Ta Ta For Now."