Friday, April 4, 2008

Hey Nonny No in a choir dress 4ever!

Today was a choir festival so I'm writing in choir dress blue. I sang a song my sister sang when she was in high school, Hey Nonny No. I don't know about her choir but my choir got a lot of laughs when we sang the the first line. Which is ......................... "Men are fools that wish to die!" The song is about the follies of men. The second song was Nuite Da twla (nu-weat day twa-lay). It's in French. Pretty it's asong about a sad guy who got dumped. The last song is fun it's a spiritual called This Is The Day.



Stacey said...

Nice Tor!! You're getting better. Make the pictures a little better. I can show you how if you don't know.
Tell Julie to start a blog too. It's so fun.

FUN song you get to sing. I drove by your school the other day. Nice and new.

Stop growing. I'm supposed to be taller than you!
Let us know if we can help you get your contacts next week.

Stacey said...

I meant to say,,,,,make the pictures a little BIGGER! sorry typo!

brittna said...

men are fools that wish to die! ha ha i love that part of the song